Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Churches of the West: On the morality of the Coronavirus Vaccines.

In what should put this matter to rest, the Vatican indicated that the vaccines are not morally objectionable.
Churches of the West: On the morality of the Coronavirus Vaccines.: This is something that you have to be pretty attuned, I think, to the Catholic world to pick up on, and to appreciate.  There's been som...

For most rank and file orthodox Catholics this will in fact be the end of this debate, but my prediction is that for some it will not for some Rad Trads who have headed off in the Dr. Taylor Marshall/Patrick Coffin direction.  



  1. Blind fanatical obedience to Francis is leading so many off the cliff. You're a "Rad Trad" if you don't get this vaccine? This is the blind leading the blind right here. The media started using the terms "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer" years ago so that when this happened, any who didn't go along with the program would be labeled a nut, or a "Rad Trad." When did the hierarchy in the church have ultimate say over what shots you should put into your body? Use your brain & stop following Francis.

    1. Conflating opposition to the vaccines with being a Rad Trad is not what was stated.

      As for Pope Francis, while I'm not a Pope Francis fan, he is the Pope and deserves the respect due occupants of that office.

      Finally, there's more than a little bit of irony in a comment coming from somebody who is fairly obviously on the Trad end of things stating "When did the hierarchy in the church have ultimate say over what shots you should put into your body?" as the Church has long held opinions on the consumption of things. St. Paul counseled in effect what we could put in our bodies, or at least how much of something we could put in our bodies, when he stated that drunkards would not enter Heaven. Paul VI counseled that we could not put artificial birth control in our bodies. The Church has long held that we can't put intoxicants that completely deprive our faculties of reason in our bodies.

      Your point, presumably, is that the Church can't tell us to get vaccinated. The Church isn't telling you to get vaccinated. It can be argued that there may be a moral obligation to get vaccinated, but so far I've heard nobody in the Church take that position and if a person chooses to abstain from it, for any reason, the Church hasn't stood in their way in any fashion. Indeed, on these vaccines, the Church has not claimed "to have ultimate say over what shots you should put into your body" at all, but rather that you have license to use them, which some Bishops were stating you did not, which I guess means that they were asserting a level of say, within their areas of authority, as to what you should put in your body.
