Showing posts with label Casper Wyoming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casper Wyoming. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: Sunday, May 4, 1924. Plans for the First Presbyterian Church.

Lex Anteinternet: Sunday, May 4, 1924. Summer Olympics. Not oustin...

Locally, plans were being advanced for the construction of the Presbyterian church, which were published in one of the papers.

The church ultimately constructed would look a big different.

City Park Church, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

This is City Park Church, and was formerly, as noted below in the original entry, the First Presbyterian Church.
This Presbyterian Church is located one block away from St. Mark's Episcopal Church and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, all of which are separated from each other by City Park. 
The corner stone of the church gives the dates 1913 1926. I'm not sure why there are two dates, but the church must have been completed in 1926.
This century old church became the home of the former First Baptist Church congregation on February 28, 2020, and as noted in a thread we'll link in below, had been experiencing a lot of changes prior to that.

The original entry here was one of the very first on this blog and dated at least back as far as January 25, 2011.  While the architecture hasn't changed at all, with the recent change our original entry became misleading to an extent.

Related Threads:

Grace Reformed at City Park, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

Changes in Downtown Casper. First Presbyterian becomes City Park Church, the former First Baptist Church.

And, as can be seen, events have resulted in some denominational shifting.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Churches of the West: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Casper Wyoming

Churches of the West: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Casper Wyoming: This Church was put in place in the early 1950s due to the expansion of the City of Casper, and has an unusual history. The church it...

Our prior entry, done quite some time ago, lacked an interior shot.  I could have simply added it to the old post, and I likely will, but here it is as a separate entry. More detail on the Church appears in the original entry.


Friday, August 11, 2023

Blog Mirror: Tale Of 2 LDS Temples: Casper’s On Fast Track While Plans For Cody’s Protested

Interesting news story on construction of a religious building, and controversy. . . and lack of it.

Tale Of 2 LDS Temples: Casper’s On Fast Track While Plans For Cody’s Protested

Skyline Drive dominates Cody's horizon, which is a big part of the reason for the controversy there.

I don't have a comment on this, nor should I.  I don't live in Cody, and what occurs there in regard to something of this type isn't my affair.  Rather, what I'd point out, as a blog that deals with church architecture, that contemporary LDS Temples are obviously all the same, and indeed, they're basically sort of a kit.  As a person who likes every religious building to be unique, I find that a bit sad.   According to the LDS site this particular style, which they term "modular", is new to the 2020s.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Centennial Postponed

St. Anthony of Padua Church in Casper, Wyoming was dedicated in August, 1920.  It had planned to celebrate that event this August.

And then COVID 19 struck:

For The Dedication of St.
Anthony's Church Building has been
Due to the requirements mandated from The Health Department and the limited gathering size, the Celebration Committee moved the event to next summer with the hope more people will feel comfortable attending and the requirement of everyone needing to wear a face mask won’t exist. This will make it a more enjoyable time to celebrate the church where it all began for our Catholic Community.
We wish to thank the following sponsors for their commitment to this event, and
Thank you to all who have supported, planned, and used their time and talents on this project. Stay tuned, we will be back in 2021.

Monday, May 11, 2020

College Heights Baptist Church/Christ Reformed Church, Casper Wyoming

I'll admit to a lot of confusion on this one regarding what this church currently is.

The church was built as College Heights Baptist Church in 1963, at which time it would have been on the edge of Casper.  Signs on the church still identify it as College Heights Baptist, but signs leading up to it point people towards the large old elementary school nearby, which College Heights bought a decade or more ago. The same signs indicate that this church is now Christ Reformed Church.

Reading between the lines and reading the signs, what I think I take from that, although I'm frankly not certain, is that College Heights Baptist has moved into the very large school and uses it for everything and it is now letting Christ Reformed occupy its old church.  Having said that, I'm not really sure.  Christ Reformed is a member of the branch of the Protestant "Reformed" churches of which the Dutch Reformed are best known in the United States.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Latter Day Saints, East Casper, Wyoming

And this is a second Latter Day Saints building in east Casper.  This is a very recently built building dating from the 2010s and featuring the architectural style common for LDS buildings.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Latter Day Saints, East Casper, Wyoming

This very unusual looking Latter Day Saints building is in East Casper.  I don't know the vintage of the building, but almost all of the buildings in this part of Casper were built during the 1960s.